Air Tightness
Air Tightness
A Key Factor in Efficiency
Achieving airtightness is vital for retaining warm air indoors and keeping cold air outside. Eliminating drafts not only enhances living comfort but also boosts energy efficiency, resulting in lower heating costs. Airtightness additionally safeguards the building structure, preserving its appearance and extending its lifespan.

How to Achieve Airtightness
The key to airtightness lies in creating a consistent, air-resistant layer throughout the building. This includes areas where walls meet floors, around door and window openings, and behind plaster slabs on upper ceilings. C&W Insulations, as certified contractors of the SIGA Air & Wind tightness System, utilise a range of tapes, adhesives, and SIGA Majpell, a certified vapour control layer, ensuring a comprehensive and continuous airtightness solution.
Air Tightness Terminology
External elements such as walls, windows, doors, floors, and ceilings.
The resistance of the building envelope to inward or outward air leakage, preventing excessive air leakage and draughts.
The amount of air gaps or cracks in the building envelope, influenced by pressure differences between inside and outside.
Expressed as the amount of air leakage in cubic meters per hour per square meter of the building envelope at a pressure differential of 50 Pascals, with a maximum permitted level of 10 m²/m³hr@50 Pascals.
Measures the ventilation in the building, controllable through mechanical ventilation heat recovery or manual opening of windows and doors.

At Breffni Insulation we specialise in building solutions that prioritise energy efficiency, environmental sustainability, and the overall well-being of your home. Contact us to embark on a journey towards a more efficient and comfortable living space.